Desert Rhino Camp

In a wide valley sometimes flush with grass, Desert Rhino Camp lies in the enormous Palmwag Concession.

In what is known as a public-private-community partnership, Wilderness Safaris has partnered with the three communities that administer the Palmwag Concession, where a percentage of turnover from Desert Rhino Camp, as well as a minimum annual fee, is paid to the conservancies. The conservancies involved, known as the Big Three, are Torra, Anabeb and Sesfontein.

Desert Rhino Camp works closely with Save the Rhino Trust Namibia (SRTN), a highly-respected NGO almost single-handedly responsible for the preservation of Critically Endangered desert-adapted black rhino in the area. SRTN focuses on the protection, monitoring and understanding of the local black rhino population and is funded through donations and partnerships. Thanks to its work, rhino population numbers have quintupled over the past 30 years. The challenge they now face is increased poaching in the sub-region.

Here, guests set out in the morning by vehicle to follow the SRTN monitors as they track one of their charges. Long distances are covered in the expansive terrain, with sometimes unexpectedly rewarding wildlife to be seen along the way.


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